“Transcendent,” a short film by the renowned Duke Issac Solemon and written and produced by the talented Talha Masood, is set to take audiences on an...
MSB Educational Institute, an international chain of schools for the Dawoodi Bohra community, announced the success of its Young Authors program. Nine talented student authors from...
The Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), the national flag carrier, is facing a financial crisis, prompting the Ministry of Finance to consider releasing approximately Rs14 billion. This...
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has called upon Pakistan’s interim government to enhance its power generation infrastructure as a means to alleviate the burden on Pakistani...
With the love for pop and all its iterations on the rise, the youth of today is gravitating towards younger artists including the likes of Talha...
Yango, the premium ride-hailing service, demonstrated its commitment to enhancing customer experiences by hosting an exhilarating screening of the Asia Cup 2023 Pakistan vs. India cricket...
The international ride-hailing service Yango, has started its operations in Faisalabad. Operating globally in over 20 countries, including UAE, Norway, Finland, Bolivia, Peru, Morocco, and Algeria,...
After making waves across the globe for its incredible service, exciting features, and user-centric approach, the ride-hailing service Yango is ready to conquer the South Asian...
Fly Jinnah has taken to the skies on a new route, linking Quetta and Islamabad with a convenient and efficient service. As of July 23, the...
The team behind Yango, the international ride-hailing service, held an exclusive launch event for the service in Pakistan. The service recently began its operations in the...