Prince William has reclaimed the coveted title of the ‘world’s hottest bald man’, dethroning Vin Diesel, who held the honour in 2022. This lighthearted yet scientifically-rooted...
In a bizarre and unsettling twist of events, a Twitter account supporting Israel, named The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome, recently shared a graphic image featuring a...
Apple launched a new series of iPhones that included a new titanium shell, a faster chip and improved video game playing abilities. The biggest surprise with the iPhone...
MERED, an international real estate developer, has announced its official launch in the UAE, choosing Dubai, one of the fastest growing cities in the world, to...
Zara owner Inditex (ITX.MC) is in the process of stopping purchases from Myanmar, the company told Reuters on Thursday, as a result of a campaign by global workers’...
In its 138th edition, Mahzooz, the UAE’s favourite weekly draw with the biggest and most frequent pay-outs, crowned its 53rd millionaire and saw 1,278 participants take home AED...
Nothing Phone (2) will be now available across the GCC through dedicated retailers
Britain’s BBC suspended a male member of staff on Sunday following an allegation that one of its star presenters paid a teenager thousands of pounds to...
Meta Platforms, the parent company of social media giant Facebook, has unleashed a formidable rival to Twitter with its new app called Threads. Within hours of...
YouTuber Matthew Beem has achieved a remarkable feat of ingenuity with the creation of a custom version of the iPhone 14 Pro Max that measures an...