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TotalPARCO supports Indus Hospital for the launch of Indus Yaqeen Lahore

On July 19th Mrs Mehmet Celepoglu and his executive team along with CEO Indus Hospital and Health Network Dr Abdul Bari and his team got together for the donation ceremony at Indus Hospital Lahore at the conclusion of Sustainable Development Retail Campaign at Service stations of Interior Sindh & South Punjab’s Sustainable Development Campaign” in partnership with Indus Hospital and Health Network.

TotalPARCO supports Indus Hospital

Other than the donation TOTAL PARCO Pakistan as the 1st Organization will launch INDUS YAQEEN in Lahore. Indus Yaqeen – which is an initiative to invest in the potential of Pakistan’s youth to create a sustainable cycle of charity while carrying out a legacy of IHHN to transform the health landscape of Pakistan. For this, the alignment between Total PARCO Pakistan and IHHN is unmistakable, and resonate greatly commitment of both the companies to youth inclusion and education.

TOTAL PARCO will also be supporting the Indus Yaqeen volunteers for collection across our network of service station in Punjab. Mrs. Nezihe Celepoglu will be spending time with the patients at Indus hospital to uplift their spirits and bring smiles to facers who are fighting a tough battle.

SD # 3 Good Health & Well Being SD 17 Partnership for Goals

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