As part of its latest announcement that its desserts are 100% free of artificial ingredients, Burger King is running a campaign that might make you gag even harder than its infamous Moldy Whopper – poop emoji ice-cream.
A marketing stunt by Burger King focuses on promoting the chain’s artificial ingredient-free dessert menu by using an emoji most brands — especially restaurants — tend to avoid.
“Just like we did with the Moldy Whopper, we are using a powerful and memorable visual to make people think about what’s in their food and making a strong point about ours,” said Renata Leão and Edgar Gianesi, executive creative directors at David São Paulo.
The reason behind the new launch is part of Burger King’s push into raising the question of why artificial ingredients are still being added by some food producers to their products, even when today’s consumers are more inclined towards the organic, no artificial products. Burger King vows to remove 100% of all artificial ingredients from its sandwiches by 2025.
“Our goal was to show in a funny way that our product – no matter how it looks – is the cleanest of all,” added Juliana Cury, marketing director at Burger King Brazil.
The marketing director emphasized on the concept that Burger King’s food may look gross to the sight but it doesn’t incorporate artificial ingredients in their products. Gag reflexes were triggered for the purpose of attention.
Burger King/ David São Paulo
Creative director at David São Paulo concluded in a statement that, “It’s better to look like a poop on the outside than to be stuffed with lots of bad ingredients on the inside.”